Earn Awards

Many hams enjoy chasing awards - or "wallpaper" - as these certificates of accomplishment are often called in the amateur radio community. There are many different awards available. These awards are issued by several different amateur radio organizations, and they all are based on confirmed contacts with amateurs in the U.S. or around the world. Confirmation must be by QSL card or LOTW (ARRL's Logbook of the World) reports. A few of the awards are listed below.

Worked All Continents (WAC)

One of the easiest awards to secure. You only need one confirmed contact in six continents.

DX Century Club (DXCC)

This award takes a serious committment. It requires one contact in at least 100 of the 325 or so different countries in the world.

VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC)

There are several versions of this AARL award, but they require a specific number of contacts with other grid locations on VHF or UHF frequencies. Specifics are on their web site.

Worked All States (WAS)

This award is issued by the ARRL. You must have at least one confirmed contact in each of the 50 US States.

Worked All USA Counties (USA-CA)

Almost impossible to achieve. Some counties have few or no hams, so making a contact in those counties only happens when someone from outside the county drives into it and offers QSOs to interested hams.

MARAC (Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club) also has awards for working all counties in your state, for working counties using low power (QRP=5 watts or less), and many others.

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